100% of the proceeds from Reena’s painting went directly to artisanal miners in East Africa. In total 84 Miners’ Toolkits were funded, going directly to 84 individual miners, with a remarkable impact not only to miners' lives and livelihood, but to their families and community as well.
The $10,500 funds raised support Gem Legacy’s ‘Miner Toolkit’ initiative, which provides artisanal miners with the tools needed to ensure safe and effective mining. Most East African colored gemstone miners are farmers and use their old, broken farming tools to mine. Our purpose was to put tools in their hands to be safe and successful.
Valued at $6000, the custom-made, hand-painted canvas was donated by Reena Ahluwalia to Gem Legacy. The Gem Legacy is a nonprofit founded by renowned master cutter Roger Dery. In 2021, Roger is celebrating his 40th year in business and 40th visit to the African continent, where he and his family have truly made a tangible impact on the mining communities. Roger reached out to Reena to create a Tanzanite painting for the charity of a gem he faceted in his “signature round” design.
“When Roger reached out to me to create a custom painting and shared the impact of Gem Legacy, I immediately got onboard,” Reena says. “I always strive to create art that can touch people’s lives positively and make a tangible difference. I am honoured my ‘Gem Legacy’ painting is able to contribute toward raising funds.”
In addition to the hand-painted canvas, two limited edition museum-quality canvas prints (valued at $800 each) were the second- and third-place prizes.
Artist Reena Ahluwalia with her Gem Legacy Tanzanite painting. Size: 24 inches. 100% of the proceeds from Reena’s painting went directly to artisanal miners in East Africa.
100% of the proceeds from Reena’s painting went directly to artisanal miners in East Africa. Most East African colored gemstone miners are farmers and use their old, broken farming tools to mine. Our purpose was to put tools in their hands to be safe and successful though non-profit, Gem Legacy.
Ginger, Rachel and Roger Dery with Reena’s painting, celebrating Roger's 40th year in business and 40th visit to the African continent. Roger reached out to Reena to create a Tanzanite painting for the charity of a gem he faceted in his “signature round” design.
100% of the proceeds from Reena’s painting went directly to artisanal miners in East Africa. Each toolkit will be customized to the specific mine’s needs, the toolkits include: shovel, chisel, hammer, pick axe, hand drill, blasting tools, head light, gloves, sieve.
The Gem Legacy Tanzanite Painting by Reena Ahluwalia. Size: 24 inches.
Artist Reena Ahluwalia with her Gem Legacy painting.
Painting with a purpose. making of the Gem Legacy Tanzanite Painting by Reena ahluwalia.
How was the painting made! Check out Reena’s painting process here: